
The Julius Prague Earns Prestigious Green Key Certificate for Sustainable Hospitality

The Julius Prague proudly announces its recent attainment of the esteemed Green Key certificate, recognizing its commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible hospitality management.

Green Key is an international eco-certification programme for hospitality facilities, managed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). Since 1994, it has set a leading standard of excellence in environmental responsibility and sustainable operation within the tourism industry. Establishments are evaluated based on rigorous criteria, including energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management, sustainable sourcing, and guest engagement.

“At The Julius Prague, we believe in the importance of preserving our planet for future generations. Complying with Green Key criteria and obtaining the certificate underscores our commitment to sustainability and our ongoing efforts to provide an eco-friendly environment for our guests,” said Martin Švehla, General Manager of The Julius Prague.

Press Release

Eva Bučová appointed country manager of ING Czech Republic

Eva Bučová, currently head of Corporate Sector Coverage and chair of the Czech sustainability
committee, has been appointed country manager of ING Czech Republic as of 1 July 2024.
Eva will succeed Erik Fortgens, who took on the role of head of Wholesale Banking in Central
and Eastern Europe (CEE) in June 2024.

Eva Bučová has more than twenty- five years of experience in Wholesale Banking while holding various management roles over that period.

She joined ING in 2002 for commercial and risk management roles in ING Slovakia, Czech Republic and Netherlands. She then took on various commercial responsibilities and strategic projects at Erste Bank in Czech Republic, London branch and Romania. Eva further expanded her professional experience at the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg, where she worked ín senior positions covering corporate clients and financial institutions in the region of Central and South-Eastern Europe and took part in development of guarantee instruments under European fund for strategic investments.

She returned to ING in 2017 as senior advisor responsible for Corporate Structuring and Advisory and to date she has been holding the role of the head of Corporate Sector Coverage team in the Czech Republic. As chair of the sustainability committee, Eva advocated for the implementation of ESG principles in ING Czech Republic. "We have a proven track record reaching over 30 years in Wholesale Banking in the Czech Republic. With our excellent local team, we remain committed to deepening relationships with Czech and international corporations and financial institutions. Leveraging our sector expertise and international network, we support their local and global ambitions. Additionally, we aim to be a trusted advisor in sustainability, helping clients achieve their sustainable transition plans.” said Eva Bučová.
Eva Bučová is a graduate of the Faculty of International Business at the University of Economics in Bratislava.

Press Release

Contact for media:
Lucie Polívková
Head of Marketing and Communications
T: 602 871 611

© Marek Lampart
Bořivoj Líbal, Managing Partner, Eversheds Sutherland

Bořivoj Líbal ist geschäftsführender Partner von Eversheds Sutherland

Bořivoj Líbal ist alleiniger geschäftsführender Partner des tschechischen Büros von Eversheds Sutherland geworden. Seit 2022 war er als Co-Managing Partner an der erfolgreichen Führung der Kanzlei beteiligt, seit dem 1. Juni 2024 leitet er sie eigenständig.

„Ich schätze das Vertrauen der anderen Partner und aller anderen Kollegen sehr. Unser gemeinsames Ziel ist es, die Exzellenz unserer juristischen Dienstleistungen beizubehalten und uns nicht nur in unseren Kernbereichen wie M&A, Immobilien, Arbeitsrecht, Prozessführung und Banking & Finance, sondern auch in Bereichen wie Technologie und Cybersecurity weiter zu verstärken. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass Eversheds Sutherland in diesem Jahr auch in renommierten nationalen und internationalen Rankings mit einer steigenden Zahl interessanter Mandate zulegen wird. " sagte Bořivoj Líbal.

Bořivoj Líbal, der schon im Alter von 33 Jahren PwC Legal geleitet hat und anschließend das tschechische Büro der deutschen Kanzlei Noerr mitleitete, berät sowohl führende nationale als auch internationale Mandanten. Seine Schwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Akquisitionen, Corporate Governance und Vertragsrecht. Im Inland konzentriert er sich zudem auf tschechische Familienunternehmen, die er umfassend rechtlich berät. Er ist Mitglied des Strategischen Rates des Zentrums für Familienunternehmen und Schiedsrichter des Internationalen Schiedsgerichts an der Tschechisch-Mährischen Warenbörse. Außerdem ist er Vorsitzender der Tschechisch-Portugiesischen Handelskammer. Im Mai 2024 wurde er von der Mediengruppe A11 und der Redaktion der Zeitschrift Lawyers&Business als Anwalt des Jahres ausgezeichnet.

Oracle Premier Club

From heterogenous IT environment to secure, reliable, cost efficient and flexible IT systems with Oracle low code in Albert Czech republic

This exclusive event is tailored for our VIP customers, providing an in-depth exploration of Oracle's cutting-edge solutions and real-world case studies. Join us for insights into crafting and executing strategic decisions in the era of digital transformation and acquire practical knowledge on turning a IT vision into reality.

Our distinguished speaker for todays event is ing. Ales Löfler, IT architect of leading retail company Albert, part of major global chain Royal Ahold operating in Europe, USA and Asia. Mr. Löfler will together with ing. Kamil Schvarcz, CEO of Apex Solutions, ORACLE developer share invaluable experiences and industry best practices, ensuring you leave with actionable insights to drive excellence within your organization.


• Albert part of Royal Ahold footprint and scope of operations
• Challenges of heterogenous complex IT environment
• What benefits offers low code Oracle APEX platform?
• Managing of supplying 337 stores every single day with Oracle

        Oracle database and Low Code app development

• How to relay data across systems and platforms? DataHub made with Oracle is the answer

       API REST data Services and Low Code, DevOps and CI/CD

• Brief overview of Albert range of enterprise apps

  • Internal eshop
  • SoHo desk
  • Cash management
  • Road ahead – directions and considerations
  • Q&A

Register today

P3 expands P3 Prague D8 park with warehouse acquisition

P3 Logistic Parks, a leading developer, owner, and manager of high-quality industrial real estate across Europe, has acquired a standalone building next to P3 Prague D8 park in the Czech capital city.

This strategic acquisition of the 30,500 m2 asset benefits P3 customer, VF Corporation, by consolidating and enhancing its operational efficiency under a single administrator and landlord.

P3 Prague D8 is located on the northern edge of Prague near the D8 motorway to Zdiby and Klecany. The industrial park, which began construction two decades ago, today boasts seven buildings totalling 176,840 m² of leasable space, including the newly acquired hall.

The park's diverse tenant roster includes leading companies such as VF Corporation, Pricol Wiping Systems Czech, DHL Express, Blažek, Puma, and Alza. VF Corporation, an American apparel and footwear company, is the key tenant of the newly acquired building, and also occupies space in another building in the P3 Prague D8 complex. In addition to storage space, VF Corporation also rents 2,700 m² of office space.

Press Release

Forvis Mazars bringt Bewegung in den globalen Prüfungs- und Beratungsmarkt

Neues Netzwerk tritt am 3. Juni in Kraft

Die in über 100 Ländern und Regionen agierende internationale Partnerschaft Mazars bildet ab sofort ein Professional Services-Netzwerk mit FORVIS, der achtgrößten Prüfungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft in den USA. Das neue Netzwerk Forvis Mazars tritt heute offiziell in Kraft.

Forvis Mazars zählt mit einem Umsatz von etwa 5 Milliarden US-Dollar zu den weltweit führenden Netzwerken und bringt mit dem Neueinstieg in die Top 10 der globalen Prüfungs- und Beratungsunternehmen nach Jahrzehnten ohne Veränderung erstmals wieder Bewegung in das Ranking. Mit nur zwei Mitgliedsunternehmen besitzt Forvis Mazars als Netzwerk eine Alleinstellung am Markt und verfügt über die entsprechende Agilität, Kapazität und Abdeckung, um Mandanten weltweit in den Bereichen Audit, Tax und Advisory zu unterstützen. Dieser strategische Schritt vergrößert im öffentlichen Interesse die Auswahl am Markt.



Nachbarschaft nutzen – Doing Czech-German Business

Webinare von Mazars und der IHK Dresden

Die Webinare bieten Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmern aus Tschechien und Deutschland die Möglichkeit, die wichtigsten Herausforderungen der grenzüberschreitenden Geschäfte kennen und meistern zu lernen. In der Webinarreihe erhalten sowohl Markteinsteiger als auch Profis einen kompakten und fundierten Überblick über die Gepflogenheiten, Vorschriften und Regularien diesseits und jenseits der Grenzen. Die Inhalte werden Ihnen von erfahrenen Experten der Firma Mazars aus Deutschland und Tschechien präsentiert. 

Jedes Webinar wird simultan in die tschechische bzw. deutsche Sprache gedolmetscht. Natürlich besteht auch die Möglichkeit, den Referenten in der Originalsprache zu folgen. Mit einer Anmeldung erhalten Sie Zugang zu allen Webinaren. Wir informieren Sie zu jedem Webinar einzeln vorab. Sollten Sie an einem der Termine doch verhindert sein oder nicht teilnehmen wollen, ist dies kein Problem. Die Teilnahme an den Webinaren ist für alle Interessierten kostenlos.

Die Reihe beginnt mit dem Webinar „Unternehmensgründung in Tschechien vs. Deutschland", das sich in erster Linie an deutsche UnternehmerInnen richtet, die in der Tschechischen Republik, einem wichtigen Handelspartner Deutschlands, bereits geschäftlich tätig sind oder eine Geschäftsgründung gerade überlegen.

Webinar findet am 30. Mai 2024 von 10:00 - 11:00 Uhr statt.



AIMTEC: Trends in Automotive Logistics 2024

Wechseln Sie auf die digitale Überholspur!

Bereits am 18. Juni startet in Pilsen ein weiterer Jahrgang der Konferenz Trends in Automotive Logistics (TAL 2024), diesmal unter dem Motto Driving the Digital Fast Lane. Sie bietet erneut aktuelle Themen aus der Sicht tschechischer und ausländischer Redner, inspirative Vorträge und praktische Fallstudien sowie auch Raum für Diskussionen und Networking.

Die Automobilbranche wird immer dynamischer. Die jüngste Krise und Erschütterungen haben zu dramatischen Veränderungen und Innovationen in der gesamten Lieferkette geführt. Neue Technologien, Automatisierung und künstliche Intelligenz spielen dabei eine entscheidende Rolle. Die digitale Transformation ist wie ein Weg, den Unternehmen gegen müssen, um für sich ändernde Bedingungen gerüstet zu sein und einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu erlangen. Was müssen „Lenker“, Logistiker und IT-Experten tun, um auf die Überholspur der digitalen Autobahn kommen? Über welche Technologien, Plattformen und Fähigkeiten müssen sie verfügen, um mit ihren Teams die Ziele sicher zu erreichen?

„Es gibt unzählige Trends, die sich in den letzten Jahren im Kontext der Digitalisierung und Automatisierung herausgebildet haben, und dabei ist es nicht einfach, den Überblick zu behalten, sich zu orientieren und das wahre Potenzial aller sich bietenden Möglichkeiten einzuschätzen. Auf dem diesjährigen Programm stehen daher beispielsweise die praktische Nutzung von Simulationstechnologie, die Problematik der Arbeit mit großen Datenmengen, aber auch das Thema Cybersicherheit, und zwar nicht nur im Zusammenhang mit dem Aufkommen der künstlichen Intelligenz“, sagt Roman Žák, Gründer der veranstaltenden Firma Aimtec. „Wir werden außerdem einen Einblick in den interessanten Bereich der Batterielogistik geben und abschließend eine Reflexion darüber anbieten, wie man bei all den technologischen Fortschritten seinen gesunden Menschenverstand bewahren kann.“


Rechtliche Neuerungen | Tschechische Republik

• Ausgewählte Aspekte der geplanten Novelle Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung

• Änderungen bei der Leiharbeit in 2024

Rechtliche Neuerungen | Slowakei

• Baugesetzgebung ab dem 01.04.2024

Rechtliche Neuerungen | Europäische Union

• Die Wahl eines ausländischen Gerichts ist laut EuGH auch für inländische Fällemöglich

• Daten unter der Kontrolle

Lesen sie alles | April 2024

CMS announces new leadership in Prague and Bratislava

International law firm CMS is pleased to announce two key leadership changes in its Prague and Bratislava offices, effective from 1 May. Tomáš Matĕjovský will assume the role of Managing Partner of CMS in Prague, while Juraj Fuska will become Managing Partner of CMS (CMNO) in Bratislava.

Helen Rodwell concludes her third consecutive term as Managing Partner in Prague – during which time she was also instrumental in establishing and leading the firm’s Bratislava office. She will continue to be based in Prague, focusing on clients and complex M&A transactions across CEE, for which she is renowned and acknowledged as one of only three Tier 1 Corporate/M&A lawyers in the entire CEE region by Chambers Global. Helen will also continue to serve as a member of the global Board of CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP. 

Tomáš Matĕjovský, currently head of the Commercial, Regulatory, and Disputes practice at CMS Prague, brings a wealth of experience to his new role. Specialising in litigation and arbitration, compliance matters, white-collar crime, and various aspects of commercial law, including employment, IP, and competition, Tomáš has successfully represented clients in a range of litigation and arbitration proceedings at all judicial levels. Tomáš also advises a range of medical device and pharmaceutical companies on various matters, including sector-specific regulatory matters, clinical trial issues and anti-corruption issues.

Juraj Fuska, currently head of the Corporate/M&A team at CMS Bratislava, has more than 20 years of experience in the international law firm environment in Slovakia and takes over management directly from Bratislava. Over the course of his career, focusing on multiple industry groups, Juraj has gained an extensive knowledge of the market and developed a wide breadth of expertise, which allows him to act on significant deals in the market, including complex cross-border transactions. In addition to being a highly sought-after M&A and capital markets expert, his broad range of expertise also includes corporate matters, greenfield investment projects, regulatory and financial institutions advice and PPPs.

Press release


Botanique Hotel Prague has completed extensive renovations of all its rooms.

Located in the heart of Prague and nestled in the vibrant Karlín district, Botanique Hotel Prague is currently celebrating the completion of its project.

Since the beginning of April, guests have been enjoying fully renovated rooms, which have undergone a transformation over the past few years with an investment of 4.4 million euros.

A total of 214 newly renovated rooms have been designed with a focus on maximizing guest comfort. The rooms excel in spaciousness and offer more than modern travelers might expect. One of the main features is the elegant bathrooms, which bring luxury in the form of top-notch design and technological solutions, such as stylish anti-fog mirrors and generous rain showers.

Botanique Hotel Prague offers three room categories: Superior, Executive, and the highest, Premium. Each category brings its unique benefits, allowing guests to choose tailor-made accommodation according to their individual preferences and needs.

For those seeking accommodation combining modern design and high-level friendly service, Botanique Hotel Prague becomes an unmistakable choice when visiting Prague. With completely renovated rooms and a wide range of services offered, the hotel provides an unforgettable experience.

Everything is complemented by the BE GREEN sustainability concept, which the hotel team continuously works on and expands with additional eco-friendly solutions. This philosophy is also reflected in the design of the new rooms, which are created by the leading Czech design studio Olgoj Chorchoj.

For more information about the project and the portfolio of services offered by Botanique Hotel Prague, visit the official website:

Jan Houlík, foto © Eversheds Sutherland

Eversheds Sutherland has a new attorney

Eversheds Sutherland welcomed a new attorney, Jan Houlik, to its ranks in March 2024. Jan focuses his legal practice on M&A and corporate law. He has particular experience in drafting contractual documentation in share deal and asset deal transactions and setting up shareholder relations. In addition to these areas, he also has experience in banking regulation and capital markets.

„I am very pleased that our Prague M&A team will be strengthened by another skilled colleague, whom I know from my previous position," said co-managing partner Bořivoj Líbal.
Prior to joining Eversheds Sutherland, Jan worked as a student at Noerr and then as a law associate at the law firm Skils. Jan graduated from the Faculty of Law at Charles University in Prague and completed a one-year Erasmus study programme at the University of Rijeka, where he studied Croatian in addition to law.

„I am delighted to join the team at Eversheds Sutherland, which is one of the most prominent law firms on both the Czech and international markets. I believe it is a firm where I will be able to apply my experience, but at the same time it will help me with my further development. I am very much looking forward to working with my new colleagues and clients in this office and to being involved in interesting transactions and other projects." Jan added.

This year Eversheds Sutherland celebrates 20 years since the firm's founding and 5 years since joining the global Eversheds Sutherland network, enabling the firm to offer clients comprehensive legal support in all major jurisdictions.

Full steam ahead

P3 Logistic Parks to launch 40,000 m2 hall for carbon-reducing trains

P3 Logistic Parks, a developer, owner, and manager of high-quality industrial real estate in Europe, is to bring to the market an atypical hall capable of accommodating an entire train unit, in Lovosice, Czech Republic.

P3 Lovosice Cargo is designed specifically for transloading between road and railway transport and will contribute to customers’ efforts to reduce carbon emissions in their supply chains by offering an alternative to road transit.

The hall in P3 Lovosice Cargo has an area of 42,331 m2 and an atypical floor plan. There is a slight curve on one side of the hall for a branch line which allows a train with up to 24 wagons to enter the hall. This design enables loading and unloading to take place under one roof, like in any cross dock. Meanwhile, road vehicles will enter the hall from the other side of the warehouse where there are 25 gates for trucks. In addition, the building provides generous administrative facilities, with 1,142 m2 of office space.

Press Release

  • Tomáš Jelínek | Rechtsanwalt
    Jan Čermák | Konzipient


Schon traditionell haben Rechtsanwalt Tomáš Jelínek und Konzipient Jan Čermák von Eversheds Sutherland einen Überblick über die 5 interessantesten Insolvenzurteile des vergangenen Jahres erstellt.

 1.  ANMELDUNG EINES BLANKOWECHSELS IM INSOLVENZVERFAHREN - Beschluss des Obersten Gerichtshofs Nr. 29 ICdo 23/2021 vom 28. August 2023

 2.  VERWERTUNG DURCH VERKAUF AUSSERHALB DER VERSTEIGERUNG - Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs, Rechtssache Nr. 29 ICdo 50/2021 vom 27. April 2023

 3.  BEWEISLAST FÜR DIE FORDERUNGSBEFREIUNG – Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs, Rechtssache Nr. 29 Cdo 3075/2022 vom 30. März 2023

 4.  BEFREIUNG DES SCHULDNERS VON DER RESTSCHULDBEFREIUNG – Beschluss des Obersten Gerichts Nr. 29 NSČR 20/2021 vom 27. April 2023

 5. ÜBER DIE VERPFLICHTUNG, DEM INSOLVENZVERWALTER EINE UNTERKUNFT ZUR VERWERTUNG ZU ÜBERGEBEN – Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs, Rechtssache Nr. 29 NSČR 44/2021 vom 31. Juli 2023

mehr Infos hier

Easter Brunch at The Julius Prague

A Family Affair!

This Easter, gather your loved ones and hop over to Brasserie The Julius at The Julius Prague residence for Easter Brunch experience. On Sunday, 31 March 2024, from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM, we're setting the stage for an unforgettable celebration of spring, flavour, and togetherness.

Under the masterful guidance of Chef Milan Dolejš, Brasserie The Julius will be serving up an Easter Brunch buffet menu filled with seasonal specialties and beloved Easter treats. The kitchen is buzzing with excitement, ready to present a feast that blends traditional Easter flavors with the signature modern twist. From the freshest spring salads to succulent roasts, and artisanal pastries to luscious desserts, each dish is crafted to perfection, promising a culinary journey that will delight the senses.

Easter at Brasserie The Julius extends beyond mere dining; it's a festive celebration. Brasserie The Julius is hosting a range of Easter-themed activities for children, making it the perfect family outing. The day's festivities will include:

Press Release


  • Bernhard Hager
    Bernhard Hager
  • Annamária Tóthová
    Annamária Tóthová

Law firm Eversheds Sutherland again recognised for environmental law, this time by The Legal 500 Green Guide

Global law firm Eversheds Sutherland has been included in The Legal 500 Green Guide EMEA 2024, which presents the most innovative and influential environmental, social and governance (ESG) law firms in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The rating is a testament to Eversheds Sutherland's experience in providing comprehensive advice on ESG issues. The firm has won this award in a total of 9 jurisdictions, including the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The firm's Czech and Slovak offices have long been among the leaders in the field of ESG, sustainability, energy and waste management, as evidenced by last year's award for the Czech office for sustainability in Lawyers&Business magazine, the high ranking of the Slovak office for projects and energy in The Legal 500 and IFLR1000 guides, and the absolute victory in the environmental law category in the Law Firm of the Year Awards.

Bernhard Hager, managing partner of the Slovak office and co-managing partner of the Czech office, said, „Being included in the guide is great feedback for us that our work is meaningful and we are doing it well, and most importantly, it is a motivation for us for future activities in this area."

Annamária Tóthová, a partner in the Slovak office, has also been included in the guide as a Green Ambassador - this status is awarded to individual attorneys who have a strong commitment to sustainability issues. Annamária regularly publishes her work on the environment and renewable energy, has presented at the Waste 2023 conference and holds a HELP Environment and Human Rights certificate from the Council of Europe.

Read more here: Eversheds Sutherland – The Legal 500

Robert Matas wird neuer Partner bei bpv BRAUN PARTNERS

JUDr. Robert Matas ist neuer Partner der renommierten Anwaltskanzlei bpv BRAUN PARTNERS geworden. Seine Expertise im tschechischen und deutschen Recht und seine Fähigkeit, Klienten vor Gerichten in beiden Ländern effektiv zu vertreten, werden die Kanzlei mit einer bedeutenden Quelle juristischer Kenntnisse bereichern.

Seine umfangreiche Praxis mit langjähriger Erfahrung in diesem Bereich konzentriert sich auf komplexe Fragen des tschechischen und deutschen Rechts, was ihn befähigt, Klienten erfolgreich vor Gerichten in beiden Rechtsordnungen zu vertreten. Neben der Vertretung von Mandanten vor tschechischen und deutschen Gerichten und Schiedsgerichten gehören das Gesellschafts- und Handelsrecht sowie das Recht des unlauteren Wettbewerbs zu seinen Fachgebieten. Er hat Dutzende von tschechischen und slowakischen Unternehmen bei ihrem Eintritt in den tschechischen, österreichischen und deutschen Markt beraten. Darüber hinaus bietet er qualifizierte Rechtsberatung auf dem Gebiet des tschechischen und deutschen Erb- und Familienrechts und ist als Strafverteidiger in Strafverfahren in Deutschland tätig.


Veronika Povišerová, MBA, Head of Marketing
Tel: +420 224 490 000

Einladung: 5th Workshop for Forming and Punching & 1st German-Czech Business Meeting

11.04.2024 | MSIC – VIVA, Ostrava



5th Workshop for Forming and Punching

The Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (Fraunhofer IWU) and VSB - Technical University of Ostrava together with their partners FIBRO GmbH, Bruderer GmbH, Raziol GmbH and TRsystems GmbH invite you to the 5th Workshop for Forming and Punching. Our experts and scientists would like to present the latest developments in the fields of standard parts, measurement technology & sensors and tribology. The event will be rounded off by a laboratory and test field tour at VSB - Technical University of Ostrava with a demonstration of practical applications for the specialist topics presented, as well as a networking session for an active exchange with experts and scientists.

Program flyer for the 5th Workshop for Forming and Punching

1st German-Czech Business Meeting

For more than 15 years, the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technolpogy (Fraunhofer IWU) has maintained an extraordinarily successful scientific cooperation with numerous Czech research partners in both the institutional and economic fields. One result of this success story was the founding of the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Applied Artificial Intelligence for Materials & Manufacturing at VSB - Technical University of Ostrava in June 2021.

Together with its partners Fraunhofer for Chemical Technology ICT in Pfinztal and VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, this platform is intended to accelerate research in the fields of innovative energy technology and the development and introduction of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 process technology and to support the increasingly important material technology challenges for high-end applications in a wide range of industrial application areas.

With the first German-Czech Business Meeting, we want to facilitate the initiation and further development of economic networks. New ideas are to be discussed, supported directly by the respective funding institutions on this day and structured into new projects. The aim of the meeting is to promote cooperation with existing expertise and to initiate newly developed ideas directly with the relevant experts from the funding institutions in the Czech Republic and Germany, especially in the short term. In addition, this day should also invite students and specialists to identify opportunities in the companies and offer internships, project and diploma theses, doctoral positions and jobs.

Program flyer for the 1st German-Czech Business Meeting



Vendula Pešková appointed Global Partner of Mazars

The international audit and advisory firm Mazars Group has announced that Vendula Pešková, a local Leading Partner in the Accounting Outsourcing Department in the Czech Republic, has become its new Global Partner. His appointment was approved by the existing partners at the Mazars Group's most recent global conference, held in Montreal at the end of the last year.

Vendula Pešková has worked at Mazars since 2000, the last five years as a local partner and since 2023 as Leading Partner of Accounting Outsourcing Department. She focuses mainly on managing outsourcing accounting services and accounting consulting, including the implementation of accounting systems. Due to her previous work in the field of auditing, she also has practical knowledge of the functioning of local and international accounting standards from an audit perspective. Vendula Pešková is a member of the Chamber of Chartered Accountants (accounting expert level), and a member of the Committee of the Chamber of Chartered Accountants. She holds the prestigious Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards (DipIFR) and graduated from the University of Economics in Prague. She speaks Czech, English and French.

Press Release

© Veverkova 741/25 Praha 7

Mazars is the Tax Firm of the Year 2023

– The winners have been announced for the 2023 SLUTO TAX & ACCOUNTING Firm of the Year awards. The professional jury's votes decided that Mazars succeeded in one of the main categories and is the Tax Firm of the Year 2023. Pavel Klein, the Tax Leading Partner, accepted the award on behalf of Mazars during the awards ceremony on 7 February in the Visionary spaces in Prague - Holešovice.

“We truly appreciate that the jury chose us as the winner of the Tax Firm of the Year category. For us, the award goes to show that our strategy, expertise, emphasis on the education of employees and professional approach to our clients make sense. This success belongs above all to our tax team, which is doing a wonderful job. We would also like to thank our clients for their trust and cooperation,” said Pavel Klein.

The first annual SLUTO TAX & ACCOUNTING Firm of the Year awards, organised by Wolters Kluwer, combines two successful competitions with many years of tradition, specifically the Tax Advisor & Tax Firm of the Year and the Accountant of the Year. The competition represents a unique opportunity for the recognition and appreciation of professionals who bring innovation and creativity to their field. In addition, it aims to emphasise the mutual interconnection of the tax and accounting professions.

Press Release

Müssen Sie Ihren Geschäftspartner aufgrund von Compliance-Vorgaben überprüfen?

Wollen Sie sicher sein, dass Ihr neuer (oder bestehender) Geschäftspartner kein Risiko im Hinblick auf Geldwäsche, internationale Sanktionen oder Ihre internen KYC-Anforderungen darstellt?

Anwaltskanzlei Eversheds Sutherland bietet Ihnen ein Screening Ihrer Kunden und der Personen in der Eigentumsund Managementstruktur des Kunden.

Mehr Infos

Kontakt: Stanislav Dvořák, Partner | Prag

© all rights reserved
Tomas Netopil photo: Marco Borggreve

Tomáš Netopil wird der neue Chefdirigent und Musikdirektor der Prager Symphoniker

Ab der Saison 2025/2026 wird der bekannte tschechische Dirigent Tomáš Netopil der neue Chefdirigent und Musikdirektor der Prager Symhoniker. Er übernimmt damit symbolisch den Chefdirigentenstab vom derzeitigen Chefdirigenten des Orchesters, Tomáš Brauner.

„Prag war für mich schon immer eine große Quelle des reichen kulturellen Lebens und der Musik im Allgemeinen, und das wird es auch bleiben. Das Orchester der Prager Symphoniker, das die Musik ständig pflegt und veredelt, gehört zu Recht zum Besten, das Prag zu bieten hat. Es ist für mich eine große Ehre und Freude, dass sich unsere künstlerischen Wege vereinen und wir gemeinsam das reiche Potenzial dieses großartigen Orchesters weiterentwickeln werden und dabei den Zuhörern nicht nur in Prag, sondern in der gesamten Tschechischen Republik und im Ausland Freude bereiten können. Unser gemeinsamer Weg wird für mich ein wunderschönes und neues künstlerisches Kapitel sein,“ sagt Tomáš Netopil, derzeit noch gastierender Hauptdirigent der Tschechischen Philharmonie und bis zur vergangenen Saison auch Generalmusikdirektor des Aalto Musiktheaters und der Philharmonie Essen. Sein Engagement bei der Tschechischen Philharmonie wird er nach der kommenden Konzertsaison nunmehr aufgeben.
